how to prepare post closing trial balance

If there are any temporaryaccounts on this trial balance, you would know that there was anerror in the closing process. As with the unadjusted and adjusted trial balances, both the debit and credit columns are calculated at the bottom of a trial balance. If these columns aren’t equal, the trial balance was prepared incorrectly or the closing entries weren’t transferred to the ledger accounts accurately. Temporary accounts, such as revenues, expenses, and dividends, are not included in the post-closing trial balance because they are closed at the end of the accounting period. Closing entries transfer the balances of these temporary accounts to retained earnings, resetting their balances to zero for the new accounting period. This process ensures that only permanent accounts, which carry their balances forward, are included in the post-closing trial balance.

How is the Post-Closing Trial Balance used in Financial Reporting?

how to prepare post closing trial balance

A post-closing trial balance is, as the term suggests, prepared after closing entries are recorded and posted. It is the third (and last) trial balance prepared in the accounting cycle. Another peculiar thing about Bob’s post-closing trial balance is that normally a retained earnings account will have a credit balance, but in Bob’s books, it has a debit balance. The reason is that Bob did not make a profit in the first month of his operations. Since temporary accounts only track activity for a certain month, quarter, or year, they need to be closed out once the period ends.

  • We will debit the revenue accounts and credit the Income Summary account.
  • When all accounts have been recorded, total each column and verify the columns equal each other.
  • This document meets SEC rules and is clear about a company’s financial health.
  • These include accounts receivable, inventory, cash, investments, vehicles, furnishings, and other assets.
  • After posting the above entries, all the nominal accounts would zero-out, hence the term “closing entries”.

How to Prepare a Trial Balance in 5 Steps

That is, you do not have to go through the hassle of checking each and every ledger account. The post-closing trial balance will reflect the final balances for the company accounts at the end of the financial reporting period. As mentioned earlier, you prepare a Trial Balance Sheet to check the arithmetical accuracy of your ledger accounts. To ascertain the accuracy of various ledger accounts, you need to locate errors and in return rectify such errors. The accounting cycle ends with the preparation of a post-closing trial balance.

Streamline Your Trial Balance in Excel: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • If you havenever followed the full process from beginning to end, you willnever understand how one of your decisions can impact the finalnumbers that appear on your financial statements.
  • At this point, the accounting cycle is complete, and the companycan begin a new cycle in the next period.
  • To prepare a post-closing trial balance, the accountant or bookkeeper starts with a trial balance that lists all accounts with their debit or credit balances.
  • This makes sense because all of the income statement accounts have been closed and no longer have a current balance.
  • For this reason, most procedures for closing the books do not include a step for printing and reviewing the post-closing trial balance.
  • Accruals, showing earned revenues or incurred expenses, are noted even without cash transactions.
  • It is worth mentioning that there is one step in the process that a company may or may not include, step 10, reversing entries.

This step avoids simple mistakes and supports clear financial reports. As with all financial reports, trial balances are always prepared with a heading. Typically, the heading consists of three lines containing the company name, name of the trial balance, and date of the reporting period.


The post-closing trial balance plays a key role in the accounting world. It ends the accounting cycle, showing a company’s financial status clearly. Done monthly or yearly, it makes sure financial reports are right on point.

how to prepare post closing trial balance

This measures the credits and debits of your remaining accounts that have a balance and checks to see if they still balance, which is one of the core principles of double-entry accounting. If you like quizzes, crossword puzzles, fill-in-the-blank, matching exercise, and word scrambles to help you learn the material in this course, go to My Accounting Course for more. If you like quizzes, crossword puzzles, fill-in-the-blank,matching exercise, and word scrambles to help you learn thematerial in this course, go to MyAccounting Course for more. Now that we have completed the accounting cycle, let’s take alook at another way the adjusted trial balance assists users ofinformation with financial decision-making. Now that we have completed the accounting cycle, let’s take a look at another way the adjusted trial balance assists users of information with financial decision-making. And just like any other trial balance, total debits and total credits should be equal.

This equation shows that the ending balance in retained earnings is calculated by adding net income and subtracting dividends from the beginning balance of retained earnings. Pivot tables are powerful tools for summarizing and analyzing complex financial data. They distill large datasets into concise reports, making it easier to assess financial performance across periods or departments. Optimize your trial balance process in Excel with this comprehensive guide, featuring setup tips, data import techniques, and analysis tools. The articles and research support materials how to prepare post closing trial balance available on this site are educational and are not intended to be investment or tax advice.